Friday, May 8, 2015

A Mother's Day Call to Protect the Earth

This Sunday is the day of the mother, the day we honor the source of life.  As we give thanks for our very existence, for all the nurturing and resources our mothers provide for us so that we may grow and thrive, we also celebrate our shared mother—the Earth itself.  Without her flowing waters, warm sun, rich soil and fresh air, even our most advanced technologies wouldn't be able to sustain our collective life here.

It feels like just yesterday that WEA's Co-Directors, Melinda and Amira, were both becoming new mothers—and then mothers once more!  But today, they each have two sons, all under the age of three, and it's taken us just a moment to realize how quickly time has flown.

 The women of RENAMITT.  Photo by: Semillas, a partner of WEA
At its heart, our work here at WEA has always been about nurturing women at the grassroots—honoring and uplifting the work of women and community caregivers around the world who are mothering children and mothering movements.  We do this because we recognize the undeniable connection between our experiences as women—as mothers—and the experiences of our first mother, our shared planet earth.

Last week, WEA had the opportunity to attend the Indigenous Birthways convening at the BirthKeepers Summit here in Berkeley, CA.  There, we heard Mohawk elder and midwife, Katsi Cook, speak about these links, and her wisdom is reflected in her written work.  "Women are the first environment," she teaches.  "We are privileged to be the doorway to life.  At the breast of women, the generations are nourished and sustained.  From the bodies of women flow the relationship of these generations both to society and to the natural world.  In this way is the earth our mother, the old people said.  In this way, we as women are earth."

Our grassroots partners around the world remind us of the truth in these words.  In India, the traditional knowledge women hold of seed saving, home gardens and climate adaptation help rural communities usher in locally-centered and sustainable futures.  And in North America, young Indigenous women leaders resisting environmental violence bear witness to the simple truth that everything connected to the land is connected to our bodies.

These fierce women are birthing transformation, not only in their communities, but in the world.  WEA is committed to standing alongside these leaders as they do the essential work of safeguarding our environment and generations to come.

This Mother's Day, please consider making a tax-deductible gift in honor of Mother Earth and the amazing mothers in your world.  Your contribution will help us to continue supporting grassroots women today who are stepping forward to demand clean water and healthy food, protect sacred lands and traditional knowledge, resist dirty energy that harms our lands and bodies, and design sustainable solutions.

Most of all, we invite you to take a moment today to stand on the earth, give thanks for all that she provides, and make a commitment to protect her, for the sake of future generations and all life.

We wish you a peaceful Mother's Day.

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